Here in Norway, fall is over and it even started to snow yesterday! It was actually my first Norwegian fall since I moved here, and I loved this season, here! When I used to live in Paris, fall was synonym of rainy, grey, cold, sad weather so I was never really fond of this time of the year. But in Norway, i learnt a special word : "Koselig". It could be translated as "cosy", i guess. And this is what Norwegian fall felt like, to me! So I wanted to share my Norwegian fall's "koselig" favorites: - Lighting candles in the evening. My favorite lately is the linden tree candle from Yankee Candles. - Walking in the nature and see all the trees dressed in orange, yellow and red. - "Kanelboller". A traditional cinnamon roll. I am developping an addiction! - My warm clothing kit. Burgundy must be my color! - "Nype te". I discovered this here. It's Rose hip tea, and it's delicious with the cinnamon roll!
Not so many drawings made this year for Inktober. But still happy that I could participate a little bit to it.
Next year I hope I manage the 30 days challenge!