The holidays are now over and it's time to go back to work... Still, I managed to find some time to draw a bit today !
I decided to gather everything I enjoyed during July and August into my "Summer Favorites".
What I liked the most this summer :
1/ Norway is a place I often travel to, because my boyfriend lives there. But it was one year since last time I went there. So I was super excited to spend my three weeks of holidays there. Norway has amazing landscapes, with fjords, and very green nature. It's a great place for inspiration and to relax.
2/ As you could see in my previous article, this summer, I participated for the first time to a drawing challenge! The Potterweekprompt. I had so much fun doing this, and I received so many nice comments on Instagram about my artwork. Thank you again guys! :)
3/ My new sandals. I love them! I wanted flat shoes with long laces for a long time. When I wear them I feel like an antique greek lady...
4/ The best brush pen I ever owned. It's the Kuretake Sable brush pen N° 40. Boyfriend gifted me for my birthday. I love the effects you can get depending on which paper you draw. I am still training how to use it, because the brush is so soft and sensitive. It's not that easy to use. I want to participate to the Inktober challenge with it !
5/ Like a lot of people, I looooved the series Stranger Things! So I had to draw Eleven in my favorites. It's just a shame that it was only 8 episodes! Now, I can't wait for the second season!